Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some Updates and Other Such Very Important Matters

I've recently started Kevin Krohn's "Severed Ties, Volume One" and I have a huge pile of books that is starting to form a tumour on my chest, but I will try to zip through a couple of them and get a few reviews done by the end of the week.

Recently, read: this morning, I removed my Breaking Dawn counter. Suprisingly enough, I have managed to toe around the outlandish "Twilight Series!" and "Bella's Reading List" set-ups at local bookstores. I liked her series. Sure, it was predictable. It was also a fun look at romance and it brought millions upon millions of teenagers together without every involving alcohol, sex or the like as with Gossip Girl or it's Californian twin, The A List.

As I've been lounging around by the pool and going shopping this week, I haven't been reading so much. Forgive me! I will try very hard to get back in the game

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